
Showing posts from September, 2019

9/30/2019 The Bigger Picture

Seeing the whole picture is good. It helps to establish empathy and growth. It helps us to find lessons in life that we'd have overlooked had we not taken the time to see the bigger picture. What's frustrating about seeing the bigger picture is when you get real good at it, it's hard to pick a side. It's hard to really dislike a person when you learn to understand that they are acting out in fear or in pain. Seeing the bigger picture allows you to outgrow hate and judgement but it's frustrating to be like that. It is easier to be angry and storm off . However, there's no growth in that option. While taking time to see the bigger picture, I don't know what's going to happen in every situation. The uncertainty is scary, but stagnancy is much worse. I'd rather grow from something than keep repeating the same mistake over and over again. So, it is frustrating, but in the end it's the ability to learn and move forward that matters.


We as humans try so hard to love other people, that we tend to forget ourselves. It takes a lot to refocus on our own growth and self care. It's just too easy for some of us to give give give and it sounds nice to give give. To be selfless, but losing yourself in selflessness isn't beneficial to anyone over time. They do say you can't pour from an empty cup but I think some of us do and are right now. So incredibly empty and yet somehow we are managing to hold it all together. I sit here and shake my head. If only we could have an "E" flash on our forehead just like a car's gas light when we are giving entirely too much of ourselves. It'd be nice to have proof. It's a shame that people couldn't just take our words for proof.  What I find myself doing when I feel my cup running on E, is setting timelines to give give just a little bit longer. I think it's because I find it easier to do all the work rather than face the problem. Or I do...


Gloved hands I do not want to touch it the bloody flesh keeping me from lunch swishing and swirling of gloved hands it isn't my calling to surgically remove hearts I've left then on the steel table I've accidentally taken one home thinking it was a part of me Today was rough. I just rested and took it easy all day.


Here! Here are my words! Take them from me. Give me sleep. Sedate me into nothingness but only til the next feeding. The world is mine for the taking. I will not be held back anymore. I will not stand to be smaller for another human. My voice will echo, my strength will fluctuate but in the end my words will be here. They will be open and honest and left for the others to grab. To create to change the world. My stomach churns and my heart aches but how can I stop now? Let them leave. Let me love and love and drift into some forest somewhere. Leave me here to think up new things. To pull the meaning from my veins, from my roots. I'm on my face. Smothered into the dirt. What else do you want from me?  

This Place

Nothing makes sense while everything comes together. It's such a weird place to be. I'm excited to learn. I'm excited to have my energy back, but at the same time, I miss the boring. This, all this, is/was a wake up call. A it-can-all-be-wiped-away-but-your-words-are-forever kinda wake up call. And the pain, it hit so deep, I cried for days. I cried loud and quiet and screamed and left and reached out for clarity, but no one could give me anything because no one really knows what's really going on. They comfort and stand by me and love me while I writhe and drown in my own wake up call. So, when do the rules of reality cross over into fantasy and when does fantasy break the rules of reality. Is there really no etiquette? The boundaries just aren't clear and this is where I get so flustered. There should be rules, but then again, there are none with God, are there? Beside the laws of the universe, of course. Water is water, and cubes are cubes, and space has no o...

Whose words hold the most weight?

I am a private person. I don't like to trust just anyone. With that being said, I am transparent, especially in my writing. At one point my opinions may change and I always try to acknowledge that in my writing. The reason why I acknowledge that is because I am always learning and trying to understand new thoughts and concepts. I always like to look at situations and think, ok, but what if I'm wrong. So the point to all this is I was thinking why are my words worth listening to? Does my honesty and transparency make me better than a liar? Absolutely, not. We are both human and full of error. But, does that make my words carry more weight than a liar? Weight as in, I will try my best to convey what happened or explain the perception that makes most sense to me. Not with the idea that I would hold absolute truth. No no. So whose words hold more weight, the honest man or the liar? The right answer should be the honest man. However, it seems in this world, people prefer the ...


Things have calmed down. I almost don't want to say anything so I can appreciate the peace but I can't not say anything. I'm one who likes to take action or be proactive especially when it comes to how I will act in the future. I try my best to make the world work in favor of my situation. It definitely doesn't always work. Here's an example. I get tons of anxiety when I go to Disney world since it's like a childhood dream. So the anxiety makes digestion slow down. The night before I eat a healthy dinner, then eat a small breakfast later in the day. It helps so I don't have a stomach ache all day. That's just a small logical example not really. Writing helps me in so many ways. And reading helps me sleep. I always pack those two things if I'm going to be somewhere. Being proactive can be a lifesaver That's for sure.


Today was rough. I focused on being like water the last couple days. It did calm me, but I easily lost focus. I'm writing to regain focus. To think about this as a means of healing. Keeping a focused mind is hard as goes life. Tomorrow is Monday the beginning od a new week. I'm open to more understanding more blessings and more growth,


I'm unsure if I'm okay at this point. I mean, today, I was calm and secure. Scared, but with the awareness of it. I have questions like, why now? Of all the times to act out, why while I'm incapacitated. I say incapacitated not because I am weak and helpless, but because nursing a baby ties me to a huge responsibility. I can't explain much more than that. I would have been in a better place with all this if I didn't feel so restrained. I also know, if it wasn't one thing, it would be another. That is the line that gets me through. That and being like water: adaptable, strong, and consistent. Allowing myself to flow through this storm. This grounds me. It brings me to a place where regardless of the circumstance, I'm still water. I will not be changed, I will be water. I'm still sad. I'm still confused and feeling every chaos particle. With that, I am feeling more calm and secure since I've taken this idea into practice.  Here's to gr...


The thing about heartbreak is it's worse at night. And when you're heartbroken with a nursing baby getting no sleep, it's exhausting. I went through my day doing my normal routine. Went to the gym with my daughters and now I'm just sitting here writing, hoping sleep will make it's way to my heart. My heart needs rest. My eyes need rest. I just know, I'm going to get through this. I've been through it before. Just thought I've left that life behind me. I guess nothing is really set in stone. The past can always return, the future can always taunt. All we can do is learn to get better at braving the storms.