9/30/2019 The Bigger Picture

Seeing the whole picture is good. It helps to establish empathy and growth. It helps us to find lessons in life that we'd have overlooked had we not taken the time to see the bigger picture. What's frustrating about seeing the bigger picture is when you get real good at it, it's hard to pick a side. It's hard to really dislike a person when you learn to understand that they are acting out in fear or in pain. Seeing the bigger picture allows you to outgrow hate and judgement but it's frustrating to be like that. It is easier to be angry and storm off . However, there's no growth in that option. While taking time to see the bigger picture, I don't know what's going to happen in every situation. The uncertainty is scary, but stagnancy is much worse. I'd rather grow from something than keep repeating the same mistake over and over again. So, it is frustrating, but in the end it's the ability to learn and move forward that matters.


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